WISPA - Broadband Without Boundaries represents the interests of the evolving wireless Internet service provider (WISP) ecosystem: small innovative entrepreneurs who provide fixed wireless, fiber and other connectivity solutions to consumers, businesses, first responders and community anchor institutions. WISPs bring critical Internet access to millions of Americans in unserved and underserved rural, suburban, urban and Tribal areas of the country, offering reliable, cost-effective and innovative service options where they did not previously exist.
For more information visit wispa.org/

CanWISP is an organization that represents Canadian Wireless Internet Service Providers. CanWISP participate in legislative, regulatory and policy-informing processes on behalf of their member ISPs. Members provide fixed-wireless Internet access to households and business across Canada on networks that they have built, operate and maintain. Members live in, invest in, and employ people in the predominantly rural communities they serve.
CanWISP is especially interested in ensuring that spectrum, which is a public resource, is used in the most efficient and beneficial manner for all Canadians.
For more information visit canwisp.ca/

Ontario Centres of Excellence
The Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. drives the commercialization of cutting-edge research across strategic market sectors to build the economy of tomorrow and secure Ontario’s and Canada’s global competitiveness. OCE focuses on areas and projects that will deliver not only the greatest economic benefits but those that will have a positive social impact in communities across the province.
OCE fosters the training and development of the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs and is a key partner with Ontario’s industry, universities, colleges, research hospitals, investors and governments.
For more information visit oce-ontario.org

NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program
NRC is an agency of the Government of Canada, reporting to Parliament through the Minister of Industry. It is governed by a council of appointees drawn from its client community.
The NRC Council reviews the strategic directions and oversees the operations and performance of the organization. It usually meets three times a year and has two standing committees: the Executive Committee and the Human Resources Committee. It also establishes ad hoc task forces. The Council is chaired by the President of NRC, while the other members are appointed by the Government of Canada for three-year terms.
For more information visit nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/irap/

Canadian Counsel of Innovators
Founded in September 2015, The Council of Canadian Innovators is the 21st century business council uniquely made up of CEOs from Canada’s fastest growing technology companies and is exclusively focused on helping high-growth Canadian technology firms scale-up globally. The Council’s mandate is to optimize the growth of Canada’s innovation-based sector by ensuring Canadian tech leaders and public-policy leaders are working together to shape Canada’s innovation agenda.
For more information visit https://www.canadianinnovators.org

IEEE 802.11
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
IEEE P802.11 is a standards working group on wireless local area networks. The working group is a part of IEEE LMSC (LAN MAN Standards Committee) formerly called IEEE Project 802. IEEE LMSC reports to the Standards Activity Board (SAB) of the IEEE Computer Society.
For more information visit ieee802.org/11/