Wireless Video

Unlimited Experiences without Wires

mmWave meets UHD Video Demands for Bandwidth and Latency

Current Issue:

  • Cable Length and Quality
  • Fixed and inflexible implementation
  • Bandwidth Limitations
  • Compatibility Issues
  • Connector Fragility
  • Wear and Tear
  • Locking Mechanisms
  • Cable Management
  • Clutter
  • Cost


  • Enhanced Mobility and Flexibility
  • Reducing Cable Clutter
  • Growing Wireless Technological Advances
  • Compression Algorithms and Codecs
  • Integration with Smart Home and IoT


  • High Data Rates
  • Low Latency
  • Reduced Interference
  • Beamforming Capabilities
  • Short-Range High-Quality Transmission
  • High-Density Deployments

Overall, the unique characteristics of Peraso’s 60 GHz products offer a combination of high data rates and low latency that make them well-suited for high quality video transmission.

Please contact sales@perasoinc.com for more information.