Falcon-X Infrastructure software supports the requirements of Backhaul and Fixed Wireless Access networks. This package supports Peraso's PERSPECTUS module family and includes optimizations for reliable network performance with extended coverage range.

Feature List:
- IEEE 802.11ad WLAN STA and AP support
- AP supports up to 32 clients (up to 2x number supported by competition)
- WPA3 Security
- SAE (Simultaneous Authentication of Equals)
- PMF (Protected Management Frames)
- OWE (Opportunistic Wireless Encryption)
- 802.11ad MAC features
- A-MSDU, A-MPDU, Reverse Direction
- EDCA channel access with 4 queues
- Long range optimizations for CBAP operation
- Up to 50% throughput improvement vs. TDMA solutions in typical usage scenarios
- 802.11ad power-save
- 802.11r roaming
- Peraso DBSC (Directional Beam Scan and Connect) for establishing long-range PtP and PtMP links
- Up to 2x the range in PtP links
- Configurable air-propagation time (supporting links up to 30km)
- 1PPS synchronization support (both source and sink)
- Linux WLAN driver
- High-performance Linux bridge mode
- Enhanced status and diagnostic messaging
Note: Some features may only be available in future software releases, contact our sales team for details